

timi ghar gayau re, aba online batai padchau vanera khoi kasle ho " timi nishita sanga bastheau hoina soddai vanyo. hijo huna tai 2 ra adhi, din ho cheu cheu ma baseko but still kina ho jadai chau vanera taha pauda ali na ramro lagyo ani yo message lekhdai chu. ma yestai yestai chu yar 😂 lamo message lekhyo, khoi yo sab jaruri pani theana hola but still, a peace of mind. kata kata sancho chaina vanera pani halla suneko thea. testo ho vane get well soon. little act of kindness matters most, sunya thea katai. aja yesari lekhna pani paiyo. day ko mero first class ma eklai basna na paros sochdai thea ani timi ra kriti ako theau,  huna timi jhyal ma basna payau, teti thulo kuro kehi theana hola but still... u were good to me. timilai teti chinna paiyena, katai katai afu limited/confined vaye jasto pani lagi ra theo. tehi ali bani na vayera pani hola. so, dherai vanne kura pani chaina....... aba coincidence le vetna ali garai cha so good bye.  Vannu man ta theana but yo situation ko la

Mighty mountain

So High even the clouds fall back So huge even the trees lay down To lie high, through their pity shoots Deep within the mighty mountain  Lie high even their roots Only Sky above them and nothing more They are the only structure that hold on Hold on to the ground on which they stood Past, now and who know even until the whole Earth it will stand Stand high and mighty,  the mighty mountain. Steep curls, dizzying heights  It looks around through its green eyes and feels alive,  or so do we think It does as it pleases or so do we think Think If the mountain really is mighty  It too trembles even on small quake from Earth Breaks from caves, gorge to canyons  So, it is Earth that is mighty? But its only a pale blue dot from a far So, who is mighty? Or if this can never be answered without being wrong.

Dark deeper nights

come what may, they come come towards the fainty1 light from far afar in the dark, dark night   holding breath in their hands like laying hold of slippery sand from the dark of the darkest rand2   for them it is no trap on that fainty light which awaits them deep, deeper in the dark night.   that single light against the dark which prays on breath and bark3 which feeds on so to sustain a spark4   in the dark, dark night no mercy is dripped no traps left unwind so one can see the light again but this time the brighter light     1: faint; about to lose consciousness 2: a long rocky ridge 3: outer case of life; hard and soft 4: spark of life *come what may: no matter what happens

दुई आकाश

 दुई आकाश बीच डोरिएको परान कहिले माथिका तारा हेरी रमाउँछ त कहिले तलका। हुन ; तल, माथि छुट्याउने क्षमता राख्छ तर यस्ता बेला पनि आउँछन् कि  दिशाले नी आफ्नो मर्म छोड्छ के तल के माथि। रातको निश्चल अँध्यारोमा कहिले  यसरी आफू बिलाउँछ पनि आँखा खोल्दा र बन्द गर्दा फरक भेट्दै पनि  के वर्तमान के भूत भनी, के सत्य के काल्पनिक पनि। म, तिमी, ऊ, त्यो सबै एकै त हुन्  कोही यो बुज्छन कोही बुझ्दैनन् पनि सम्बोधन नै त हो एकै व्यक्तिको मात्र भिन्न भिन्न परिस्थिति छानी। कोही, मात्र देखाइएको बाटो हिँड्न रोज्छन कोही, नयाँ भेटिन्छ कि कतै भनी खोज्न रोज्छन कोही यस्ता कुरा गर्न रोज्छन त कोही यो गरेर आउने फरकलाई। अधिकांशलाई मिलाए चिटिक्क पारेको मन पर्छ त कतिलाई अर्थ नै न लाग्ने तिमी कुन मा पार्यौ.  हरेक कुरामा खोट खोजी मिलाउन मन छ, तर त्यो खोटिलाई कसले सोध्ने  उसलाई त्यो खोट पाल्न पो मन छ कि ? कसले सोध्ने?  किन सोध्ने ? कहिले सोध्ने?

together we stand

  Together we stand in tragedy and restoration Together we stand even if our all beliefs are just perforation No matter how diverged we are We stand together, with identity of what we are.   There are times where, The reason we fall, is not sometimes the best reason The cause we strive for, sometimes is not the best cause for action Anywhere I go, The directions at all, do not depend on my orientations What do they depend upon?  That will be facts and old preferential   Never has it been unknown, Every step we make, creates a different path Every step we take, leads to a different path But every turn others take we forget that can too be our road Still, Here we stand where, What is known is just known to a limited What is unknown is kept unknown for unlimited.   Some boundaries are created, They are created to filter a group within groups They are made with motive of upliftment for good But Not everyone is privileged Privileged with goo

timi nai vana na

 yedi saman, subida haru ko hisable heryo vane yaha k na cha ra? kamchalau purana saman haru ta hun  tara tini sanga jodiyeka hajarau yaad haru aru kaha vetinchan ra. jata heryo tetai kunai bela ko yaad aaucha toilet tira heryo  height na pugera main switch baata muni taar tanera extend gareko yad aaucha  patta patta aaule le nai hani bati nivayeko yaad aaucha. vijeka haat le switch off garda current lagla ki vanera darako yaad aaucha. rati ma batti na huda dhoka khullai rakhi pisab fereko yaad aaucha ghar ma ek lo huda bahira dhokai bata pisab fereko yaad aaucha ra anginti aru.....   tyo pani tyo thauko matra. yeha ka 4 kotha ma bitayeka harek paal haru. chiso ma gutumutu pare khat ma palteka chisa din haru vitta ma pencil le kerera height napeka kaiyau dharka haru. kaha naya banchan ra.... baba mummy le bhansya theo  sano huda kotha ko euta vitta jahile chiso hune  kahi bata pani rasaye jasari  ek choti malai tyo vitta tira jadai gareko dekhi secha malai lukera pachauda  maaila teha

ancient symbol of appreciation